15 May

Anti-virus software are generally running scans behind the scenes, eliminating any harmful malware in the system. This process can often lead to the other aspects of your computer to slow down a little. The McAfee antivirus software has a lot of features and functions, but on some computers, particularly older ones, this variety of options may cause problems. McAfee helps you to search and upgrade your device automatically, but these operations consume RAM and bandwidth, reducing the amount of energy available for work. If your computer is not capable of running McAfee, it may slow down after installation. If you have an older machine, it may not meet device specifications. However, if you want to learn how to fix McAfee slowing down computer then continue reading on below.

For any query regarding McAfee antivirus feel free to call us at +1-888-362-0111


 McAfee is an American cyber security company which was established in the year 1987 by founder John McAfee. It is now spearheaded by Peter A, Leav. The company was purchased by Intel in the year 2011 as part of its security division. They are currently headquartered in San Clara California, United States.  


 Let's look at what McAfee does when the machine is sluggish. McAfee actively protects the C drive, which means it checks any file in the temporary folder, as well as any file that is attempting to access the registry or other driver data. Now that they aren't destroyed, they can get a computer chip from them, which means less money for computer use. For you to fix mcafee slowing down computer, you should first know all the reasons why it happens and try to pinpoint which reason suits your system best and then try to eliminate the issue strategically. Here are some common reasons: 

  • If your anti-virus chooses to provide 24*7 protections against all possible threats then it could start consuming too much RAM which leads to the slow down.
  • Enabling auto scanning with a system that has a slow processor.
  • If you conduct full system scans often.
  • If your system has been burdened with not just one, but several antivirus programs.
  • Depending on the kind of internet connection, it can crumble when subjected to constant automatic updates.
  • Lastly, it can also simply be the fault of your computer system being slow or old.


In order to prevent your system from facing this issue, it is necessary to make sure the resources in your PC are not overburdened by the constant use of antivirus. Follow these steps to fix mcafee slowing down computer all by yourself: 

  • Open the mcafee program and if you have sustained protection on, then turn it off.
  • You can choose to lower the protection on trusted websites which are popular and safe.
  • Click on start and enter the configuration code, untick all the boxes related to your anti-virus program.
  • Additionally, in the end try to regulate the number of times you scan the computer 360 degrees. You can try to do it once a day and it will still work just fine.


Q 1) Why does my computer become slow due to mcafee?

When the anti-virus programs scan the system, they tend to take up a large amount of RAM and bandwidth which lead to the system becoming slow in some cases.

Q 2) How can I prevent my system from slowing down in such cases? 

To fix mcafee slowing down computer, you can try to optimize the speed from the start up settings. 

Q 3) Do all anti-malware software lead to a slow down? 

Yes, this is a common problem faced in quite a few anti-virus programs.

Q 4) Can I remove mcafee from my windows 10 to prevent this issue?

Windows 10comes with built in security features which is why getting anti-virus that slows down your PC is quite redundant.

Q 5) How many times should a complete system scan be run reasonably?

To save your processor a lot of unnecessary hard work, you should scan your Pc once a day preferably after all work has been completed.

For other queries related to McAfee you can call us at +1-888-362-0111 or visit our site McAfee Antivirus Support

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